Where in God’s Commandments does it say to honor yourself?
Yet in our narcissistic society, the honoring of self, is such an obsession, it may as well be worshiping self.
Not even the pagans of old worshiped themselves!
Here we are, with vasts sums of knowledge available at our fingertips, and what are we doing?
Taking selfies…
Or, looking up the latest celebrity gossip.
We are so self-obsessed, that most millennials don’t even better themselves.
How many thirty-somethings, are still living with their parents, or worse, their significant other’s parents?
I’ve seen it far too much where youth and adults believe they know so much, they can’t learn anything new.
Most of them don’t have jobs, and spend their time idling through life, victimized by their procrastination, envy and laziness.
This self-obsession, coated by irresponsibility that’s mixed with a complete lack of self-respect, has brought socialism to our door.
Where did it come from?
The lack of honoring parents.
The lack of respect for authority.
The lack of regard for our own bodies.
One only has to turn on the television to see every fictional father is a blithering idiot, every mom a teenage girl going on forty, and every young person is so hyped on sex that they might as well be male dogs, feral, and caught on a scent.
Degrading, all of it.
And we’ve been programmed with it since we were babies. Even children’s shows have some sexual innuendo, that’s meant for “adults” to get a laugh.
Except, it’s not funny.
The Bible says: “Cursed is the man who dishonors his father and mother.” Deuteronomy 27:16
Look around you, can you see the curses? Adult men don’t even know what they want to be when they grow up. High schools have daycare centers, and even girls in middle school are becoming moms.
As a society, we’ve become oversexed and desensitized to violence. Intoxication isn’t just available on every corner, it’s encouraged!
How sad!
How dangerous!
Is the degrading of society benefiting anyone?
There’s a way out, and it’s found in Malachi.
“See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.” Malachi 4:5-6
If honoring our mother and father is the only commandment with a promise (Deuteronomy 5:16) then why aren’t we doing it?
Think about it, if a child can’t respect their parents, how can they ever respect themselves?
Or their teachers, LEO’s, or any other authority, for that matter…
In retrospect, parents need to be something worth honoring.
Dads, put down the beer, turn off the game and focus on your kids.
Moms, those celebrities and royals, will never even care to know your name. Stop buying the grocery store gossip rags, and love on your kids.
Those are just two examples, when there are many worse cases of deadbeat parents, but bad as that is, it isn’t even the core issue.
The real issue is this: if you don’t want/like/can afford kids, then don’t have sex.
If you REALLY honored yourself, you would protect your body, your heart and your soul.
For most, this is where parents have failed you.
Dad was too busy watching the game to tell his daughter how valuable she is.
Mom was too busy trying to be a child herself, to teach her son to respect women.
See the cycle?
See the curse?
Now, imagine how wonderful the world would be, if every child born was wanted!
If every person was so secure in themselves, that they could see outside of themselves.
If we all knew we were right with God, the opinion of others wouldn’t be sought after like a drug. Everyone would break the chains of insecurity that starves for the approval of mortals, therefore reaching their true potential in freedom.
Isn’t that the kind of life we all want to live?
To get there is really quite simple:
Honor God, honor your parents, and you will find yourself blessed.
Kimberly Humphreys